question 1: what’s the big deal?

As in, what’s really important? This one is all about looking at the big picture, prioritizing and learning to let go of what you don’t need (physically and emotionally) so you can focus on what matters most.

Put it in perspective.

Think about what’s on your short list of big-deal things—perhaps your health or spending time with your family—and keep this list in your mind at all times. And then before you react to any situation ask yourself how important it is in relation to your big-deal list.

Pinpoint and streamline.

Once you’re focused on what the big-deal things are, you’ll likely start to recognize which areas are repeatedly causing the most excess stress and distracting you from more important matters. From there, take it one item at a time and start thinking about strategies for cutting out these things or cutting back.

Ah just eat it!
“The power of certain foods can make a significant difference in your risk of developing a host of diseases,” writes nutrition & health lifestyle specialist Steven G. Pratt, M.D., in his book SuperFoods Rx. Here are 10 of our favorites from his list and just a few of the many reasons you should add them to your regular rotation.

1. Avocados.

Delicious, versatile and one of the most nutrient-dense fruits.

2. Beans.

Try mixing some in your salads for added protein and fiber.

3. Blueberries.

A freezer-friendly snack with super-sized antioxidant power.

4. Dark chocolate.

With its potent antioxidant properties, it’s okay to treat yourself—in moderation.

5. Honey.

A thousand-year-old remedy and natural sweetener. Opt for darker colored varieties, which offer a higher mineral content.

6. Low-Fat Yogurt.

Live active cultures in some yogurt can help improve gastrointestinal health to help you properly digest the nutrients in your foods.

7. Pumpkin.

Mix pumpkin puree into your oatmeal for an added boost to an already nutrient-packed breakfast.

8. Spinach.

Calorie for calorie, this leafy green offers more nutrients than any other food.

9. Walnuts.

A great snacking alternative—full of fiber, healthy fatty acids and minerals.

10. Wild salmon.

A quick and easy dinner option, rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.