Happybasketcases make great Gifts!!




IMG_0711Do you need to cheer up a friend who is sad?  IMG_0842
Let them know you care!

A Happybasketcase is the perfect gift.
In the Happybasketcase you get:

THIS IS THE BULB WE USEDA personal Happyglowlight

A cuddly stuffed toy
CandyIMG_1207A joke book destined to cheer
Glowsticks to play with
Complete instructions to raise the spirits
A Starbucks giftcard
A Happyglowlight T shirt
A Happyglowlight cupIMG_1791
Fun stickers with positive messages for the mirror

And always a bundle of surprises that will cheer.

If you want to be sure they stay happy, why not join out Happyasketcase of the month program.
For $333.33 12 months

$169.69 6 months                       IMG_0931  it’s just that easy!!