1. “Listen, what is the big friggin’ deal anyway that has your panties all in a wad? Certainly it can’t be that bad. Andy my dad told me to just go dial 1-800-BOOHOO.  Haha. That really didn’t help all that much except to piss me off to the point of taking a little  gentle action like sitting under the Happy Glow Lights for an hour or two. Isn’t that what  this whole website is about? Dah! I mean woof.
  2. Drink a little Joe, coffee that is. That sure might turn your frown upside-down.
  3. Do your workout. Get off your lazy ass and get those endorphins moving through your bloodstream.
  4. Check your diet. Did you eat something out of the trash that contained GLUTEN? ARGGGGGGG Gluten is BAAAD for a sensitive puppy like you!
  5. Remember HALT! Don’t allow yourself to get too hungry, angry, lonely or tired.
  6. If you are a real bonified wackjob, then don’t forget to take your Meds. There is a reason you or your Uncle Sam pays the Shrink all that money. They know whats up with you!
  7. Practice forgiveness. Don’t let those friggin’ bastards occupy space in your mind rent free. Pray for the fools, even if you don’t mean it. Wish them the best of all the things you wish for yourself. DO IT! ARF WOOF ARG…do it for 2 weeks and call me in the morning. I hate to tell you but this praying for these shit for brains pooper that pissed you off bigtime works. remember If it works don’t fix it.
  8. Take a mental health day. (you know, pretend you are sick and stay home and stew for a while)


